Monday, July 18, 2011

How much nyquil would equal a .05 bac?

Probably a whole bottle, the alcohol content is low, not a good excuse for trying to get out of a DUI.

MBA in Operations vs Marketing for IT(SAP) professional?

why dont u do dual specialization in both. I think both will be benefial for ur career and it will be added advantage in promotions/appraisals

How to resolve download problem?

I think your computer needs to be formatted. Your problem shall not remove in any way unless you arrange for formatting your computer. It's better to format your computer and after that you will have to install a good quality of anti virus. Then you will get positive response that I think so far. That's all.

The heel of my foot hurts when I walk, what should I do?

Every time I try walking, my right heel hurts. (Only my right heel and only my heel) The pain is bearable, but I usually limp. It almost feels like I'm pressing on a bruise, but there's no bruise. My parents said it was lack of exercise, but I walk a mile or so everyday. I thought the pain would wear off, but its been a couple days. I also have to go camping/hiking in 2 days. Please help!

What will happen if I take 3 Nyquil?

What will happen? I am so stopped up I cannot breathe or sleep, and I feel like I wont be able to sleep at all. I took 2 Nyquil an hour ago and it barely touched the cold. What will happen if I take one more?

My 1998 Ford Explorer 4x4 is having issues with the power window. What should I do?

I checked the fuse box and the fuse was fine. None of the windows work or the the power mirror. All the window switches are functional so that is not the problem either.

38 weeks and haven't slept in days?

I haven't slept for 8 days now, except for brief naps and it's really starting to get to me and make me really irritable and snappy. Everytime I try to lay down I get weird shivers and can't make my legs hold still so I can go to sleep. And I'm being kicked painfully hard by the baby around the clock and I just want to it to stop so I can sleep. I know it isn't safe to take most medications, but can I take a half dose of nyquil or something to help me sleep? I can't go to the doctor because my fiancee is in school studying for his bachelors every day during normal doctors office hours, and I can't drive myself because I'm on bedrest. Please help me, I feel like I'm going to lose it if I don't get any sleep soon.

How the hell do i leave him(PLEASE READ)?

Well talk to him about it. Tell him your worried about him doing drugs, and that you dont like how he treats you. Tell him what you just said. That if he loves you like he says, how can he like other girls? Tell him that isnt acceptable. If he loves you truly he will make an effort for you. See what happens, and if he wont change tell him you will find someone who will treat you right, and if he says ok, he never really cared too much so let him go. And personally i wouldnt tell on him about the drug use it will probably make him hate could get him in alot of trouble if you tell the wrong adult...! good luck mssg me if you want to talk about it, ive also dated guys who did drugs so i feel ya..

Im self destructing, can anybody help me(long)?

YOU ARE STRONG. You are not the only one and if others can get through this, so can YOU! Believe in yourself. Talk to someone. Anyone. There will always be someone around the corner who will understand you. You must beat this eating disorder. There will always be someone who thinks you are the most beautiful person on earth and to do so, you must first believe YOU are beautiful. Smile in the mirror. Laugh a little. Look at life in a more optimistic view. There is so much ahead of you. You only get one chance in life and you MUST make the best of it. I think a good way of coping is to talk it out. Maybe you can talk to your boyfriend. If he doesnt understand, he isnt worth it. I want you to know there will always be someone willing to talk to you though (: Be strong. Talk to God. Prey to God. Write out all your feelings. There are people that love you and care for you. You are special to them. Like your little sisters and your grandpa. Would you rather live a life helping others you love or live a life doing nothing at all and giving up? I'd pick the first one. Stay strong. You can get through this. You are BEAUTIFUL.

My phone keeps breaking up and i don't know why?

my Kin onem is ( for lack of better words) being stupid. Every time i call my mom the call keeps breaking up or getting dropped. I dropped it yesterday but it didn't even get scratched so it couldn't have been that. Is it because our phone just don't work well together or something like that. its bothering me cause my mom thinks im egnoring her or hanging up on her. is there something i can do, or can i at least get an exsplaination to why this is happening.

Does it sound like an anxiety disroder or depression? or both?

I'm only 17 years old. My father passed away when i was 13, and my mother passed away just 6 months ago along with my stepdad. My father was very Ill... My mother & stepdad died in a motorcycle crash. He died instantly... While I had to watch my mother suffer everyday in a coma for an entire month...I feel like i can still see her suffering in my mind... I feel like I should've kept her on the feeding tubes longer... I feel like I killed her... Even though every doctor and nuerologist said it was for the best because she would be in a vegitative state... I know she wouldnt have wanted to live her life that way. I find myself thinking life is pointless for me now, I dread on what i could have done, said, etc differently, and find excuses to blame myself for almost everything. I have not been to a doctor yet. I feel like nothing really matters any more to me. I used to be the head varsity cheerleader, always out and having fun...and now it seems like when Im out, I'm jealous of everyone and I feel like my life can never be like theirs again, but when Im alone its like im staring into a mirror and I no longer know the person staring back. I want to find ways to cope with everything. But, i dont know how. I find myself thinking sucicidally daily, never completely serious, I don't have the balls to do that. But, if I did it would have been done by now. I hate myself for everything thats happened, and I feel like no one wants to talk to me about it. I hate the life I live. I get nurvous now, that never happened before. Like, if i hear people laughing I automatically assume its about me. I get heart palpatations when nothing seems to cause it. I get lumps in my throat. I feel the constant need for reassurance. I hate that I always think of the worst possible situations. If an ambulance passes me, i automatically pick up the phone to call my brother and make sure he's okay. I hate that everything I do I can never feel calm about. I feel constantly shaken up. I can't sleep at night, and I hate being by myself because it gives me too much time to think. More often than not I take nyquil to sleep and stop thinking . I hate what my life has become . I envy who I used to be before this all happened. Whats wrong with me...?

Is it bad to take nyquil if your not sick?

Well i'm not sick but i have sharp stomache pains that come and go.. and it just feels like pressure on my stomache, not like sorness though it's hard to explain. I went to the doctor earlier and probably going back tomorrow. But i just can't fall asleep at all, i've tried for like a hour or so. I know my parents have nyquil but i never had it befor, just wondering if it's okay, or maybe if i should just get a pill of advil instead to help the pain and then maybe i can fall asleep better. I have final exams in school tomorrow and i'm probably going to be so tired now :/ thanks

Has Weiner REALLY Resigned?

I think he’s still gaming the system….NOTHING that comes out of his mouth remotely resembles any truth.

How do corporate objectives drive functional objectives?

Let's say a corporate objective is to increase profits, so they try to determine a way to make more profits by changing things. These "things" are functions. It is their objective to drive these functions.

Atheists, do you ever get tired of people in real life continuously asking about your atheism?

I seems like almost every time I hang out with my friend Kelly, she always brings it up (she's a Christian) and she even sometimes tells people I just met at a part that "he's an atheist!" in a joking way but still...I don't think my lack of belief should be such a big deal. I hate the discrimination. I live in northern Texas too which doesn't help. Anyway, do you get tired of having to talk with people about your lack of belief in a god?

Coincidence or Demonic entity?

Not demonic, demonic is usually affiliated with demons, evil spirits. This didn't do anything evil. It didn't hurt you or cause any harm. It may have been spiritual, however spirits don't need electricity to function. There is enuff energy in the atmosphere, like the sun and other natural sources. Yep, your reading to much into this. What would be the purpose of doing all that to you, and not show you what it wants or wanted. When u were sleep, you dreampt that you woke up. You were still sleep and under sedation from the Nyquil. Contrary to popular belief, spirits don't hide out in closets or basements and they don't need anything in "our world" to survive or communicate.

Is this nipple confusion or lack of supply?

Does he take a soother? I ask cause my son will want to 'suck' so he asks to nurse then he pulls off and looks around then goes back on, and then starts fussing cause he's tired. He's 6 months old, when he does this i just let him eat first then i hold him close and put his soother in his mouth and he just cuddles up and is perfectly happy to suck and look around. I don't think that it's nipple confusion, it's good that you keep pumping after he eats because that will atleast keep the supply up incase that's what the issue is. Try drinking a glass of water while he eats, that can help to allow a second 'let down' which might be what he's waiting for (that's why he's happy to eat from a bottle) Your doing what's best for you baby by breast feeding threw these issues, and your doing him no harm in nursing him then giving him a bottle as well if that's what he seems to want.

Does personal hotspot for iphone 4 cost?

okay, so i have got an unlocked iphone 4. NOT JAILBROKEN. i have put my old virgin mobile sim card into it and it is fully functional with 3G and everything. i want to know if personal hotspot costs additional charge. Where does the personal hotspot come from? i have a 1gb a month plan so will the internet be deducted from that?

Does Nyquil have sleep aid without pain killer or cold medicine?

no...but you get a natural sleep aid great...I use it all the can get it on ebay...or any where really...Good Luck:)

Grew up with a dysfunctional dad, do I need a functional stable partner?

I don't understand why you would need to categorize potential mates like that. Just take it on a case-by-case basis. Are they right for you? Are their problems something you can deal with? etc etc.

What will happen to my friend if he takes 8 NyQuil gel pills?

He is really dumb but I care a alot about him so thats why im asking. He was around 156 pounds and he's 19. Is the dosage he is taking a normal dosage of what people take when they want to trip? Im kind of scared that he's going to die or something. Is he going to be alright? Thanks

If America defaulted on its debt, would US citiznes starve to death and would the world completely collapse?

Top US experts like Pat Robertson and Gerald Celente have said that if the debt ceiling isn't raised, we are going to default from lack of money cuts, which will turn us into an underdeveloped nation into a third world country just like this true, or just Pat trying to scare people into the 700 club again./ idk, im freakin out, please give FACTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The heel of my foot hurts when I walk, what should I do?

Every time I try walking, my right heel hurts. (Only my right heel and only my heel) The pain is bearable, but I usually limp. It almost feels like I'm pressing on a bruise, but there's no bruise. My parents said it was lack of exercise, but I walk a mile or so everyday. I thought the pain would wear off, but its been a couple days. I also have to go camping/hiking in 2 days. Please help!

Where do i draw the line for my wifes cheating?

I don't for one minute believe that you are in Hollywood as a screenwriter because your syntax, grammar, punctuation and spelling are nil. I think you need some counseling as you either have mental issues or you are under the influence.

Best cold medicine, please help me!!?

AHhh! My birthday party is tomorrow and I have a cold!! This is the secend day and I've been blowing my nose off. I have a stuffy nose, sneezes, headaches and body aches. So, I was wondering what cold medicines work for you. Any other tips? Thanks so much for your help!!! Plus, does the "DayQuil and NyQuil" cherry liquid stuff work for anyone? (Btw, I'm 15)

Why do doctors use Latin?

Yes, its nice to sound smart all the time, but what it the functional advantage of using Latin over English to describe every little thing?

How long does it take for nyquil to kick in?

Nyquil is not prescribed as a sedative and should not be taken as such. While it has been known to make one drowsy it does not affect everyone in the same way and may not have the desired effect even if you were to take in excess of the recommended dosage. I would not encourage you to use Nyquil for this purpose. There are other medications that you can take that will help you sleep. Talk to a drug store pharmacist for advice.

Boss needs doctor's excuse. What should i do?

I had a 24 hour flu, and had to miss one day at work. My boss told me, I can not come back until I get a doctor's excuse. But, i feel completely fine, I took some nyqiul, and now I feel perfectly fine! I dont have money or health insurance to pay for a doctor's visit, for me to give me meds that are probably do the same thing as nyquil! What should i do?!

Can not using the A/C make it not work?

To save money my family RARELY uses air conditioning, but when the heat became to much to bear we turned it on and...nothing happened. After not using it for so long (a few months) can it be broken from lack of usage?

Atheists, Does life have a purpose?

yes, i'll explain in my favorite song : a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

My american eskimo dog nips/licks his upper legs make the fur kinda pink?

my american eskimo is pretty old he's 13 if i've been counting correctly, he is still energetic just sleeps more often. He has had flees once and that was last summer but haven't come back and he doesn't appear to itch his self. Now the problem is that I have caught him niping not really biting the fur on his legs then he licks his front legs repeatedly . I guess from doing this so much his legs are always looking like his fur went from white to a light pink. Its not lack of fur so you can see his skin but like a color change its wicked weir. This is annoying me because from a distance it looks like his legs are cut up. Also he doesn't do it when he's hanging around me like right now so im kinda thinking it might be when he's left alone which isnt that long? please someone help me find a solution

How did life originate?

How did life originate? Evolutionist Professor Paul Davies admitted, “Nobody knows how a mixture of lifeless chemicals spon-taneously organized themselves into the first living cell.” Andrew Knoll, professor of biology, Harvard, said, “we don’t really know how life originated on this planet”. A minimal cell needs several hundred proteins. Even if every atom in the universe were an experiment with all the correct amino acids present for every possible molecular vibration in the supposed evolutionary age of the universe, not even one average-sized functional protein would form. So how did life with hundreds of proteins originate just by chemistry without intelligent design?

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Job Application Question ...?

This sounds very flakey and the interviewer is an idiot. I'm sorry, but that's my impression. Do yourself a favorite and boost your self-respect by not pursing this job..

Stuffy nose?help please?

any medication or other remedies that make stuffy noses disapear over night...ive tried, it all. the strips over the nose wen I sleep, the vicks rub, nyquil, dayquil, claritin, hot showers, and putin my face over boiling water please help

Please help!!! Boys and Girls Thank you!!?

Just try and loosen up I used to be like that but really you just need to get comfortable with talking around strangers and you know it will happen so dont give up hope:)

I took 2 aleeves 10 hours ago, can i take nyquil?

Yes it should be just fine if you are home ready to crash for the nigh. Dont be driving ya know. Always check the labels before hand. They may have a time limit that they wear off. But 10 hours I would chug some nyquil. I love the stuff because it knocks me out!

Can I take Nyquil if I am congested?

I noticed only Dayquil contains a nasal decongestant, so if I am congested, how will I breathe if I take Nyquil? Do I need to also take some sort of nasal spray with it? Also, how do you feel the morning after taking Nyquil?

Are these just sinus symptoms? Please help! I'll ten to an intelligent answer!?

Ok, I believe this is just my sinus's acting up. Both eyes are blood shot, and when I woke up this morning there was so much crud around them I couldn't even open them. Both ears are killing me. It started with just the right ear, but has now moved to both. My nose has been really snotty. And it hurts when I swallow. Do you think mucinex DM would be good, nyquil, do you think it would help if I went and sit in a sonna for like 20 minutes? If you need to know anything else just ask, and I'll put it in my add details. Thanks!

22, got laid off and feeling alone, about to lose it?

I'm in a similar situation! I'm 21 and just graduated, absolutely no work anywhere! I've moved back to my home town to find the friends I had before I moved away are either married, have children and jobs. Meaning no time for me! My boyfriend left me a month ago straight after my exams! I feel so alone in this world! I really don't have any advice but I hope you find comfort in knowing that other people are going through something similar! Just try and keep hoping that things will turn around!

Iphone shows no display, only back light?

Sounds like the ribbon from the board to the lcd isn't fully inserted. I've had similar issues before while repairing my iPhone.

How long does it take for nyquil to start working, and how much should I take?

it takes about 20 minutes for me and the amount you take is shown under "directions" i think its 2 tablespoons

Allergy symptoms, now cold symptoms(please read)?

From monday till friday i had itchy eyes and a runny stuffed nose, friday i woke up with my eyes swollen and red, my nose stayed the same and my throat kept hurting for a little then went away and came back throughout the day.I went to the doctor on friday and i started coughing, my eyes were still swollen but not itchy, and my nose stayed the same. The doctor said its most likely an allergy with a cold. I put allergy eye drops in and saturday my eyes were back to normal. I put a nasal spray in my nose and its better still stuffy but not as runny.Saturday and today i have not been able to stop coughing, i took nyquil and dayquil, cough drops, and drank hot water with lemon, ginger, and honey...didnt help. I cannot deal with this cough and i keep having to spit out saliva and i have school tomorrow. Anything that could help me get better asap?

I feel Depressed and don't want to do anything anymore?

Hi, I am 16 years old and have a lack of interest in doing anything anymore. I feel like there is no point of life and there is no point of going through all this b******* to die. I still go out with my friends, but I feel like i'm not friends with as many girls anymore and i haven't had a girlfriend in forever. I don't like the way I look and I Constantly think i'm fat when i am at a healthy weight for my height. I don't like to eat anymore or do anything pretty much besides go out occasionally with a few guy friends. Is there any way to fix this I have been feeling this for months now?

How many main characters is too many/diversity in YA fiction?

i usually have 3-5 in my writing as main characters ..then i have like characters below that pop up often but not as much as the main characters.

I had three beers about 2 hours ago is it okay to take nyquil?

I had three light beers and i finished drinking about 2 hours ago. I've been sick would it be okay to take nyquil, and if not how long until i could take it?

21 - No period for 2 months - nothing on ultrasound ..?

If all the pregnancy tests & ultrasounds are still showing nothing, you probably aren't pregnant (although it does happen). The symptoms you listed could be caused by a number of things other than pregnancy, but you would probably feel better if you did get a second opinion (just for your own peace of mind). If you don't get a second opinion & you really think you're pregnant you might always wonder but I really don't think you would be if everything is still showing negative. Good luck & I hope you can conceive :)

How do you get over a relationship that ended with no closure?

you need to try your hardest to get in contact with her. thats what id do. you cant just stop talking to someone out of nowhere....thats horrible. call the suicide hotline, they're free, and may offer some emotional support. but dont give up on trying to get in contact with her again, just once, you deserve closure. Anyone would.

What can i do? not feeling well?

i have a sore throat, headache, im congested, and its hard to swallow. i took nyquil last night and theraflu this morning but it hasnt helped much. i have taken throat lozenges specifically for sore throat and halls cough drops but i still dont feel well. any home remedies you know that could help? thanks

I took 10 advilpms and 6 unisoms and 1 ambiencr12.5 and 4 tbsp of nyquil and 1 10mg of lexapro. am i gonnadie?

i have been takeing tylenal alot and advilpm i took 10 advilpms with 6 unsiom and 4 tbspog nyquil and 1xanax 0.50 mgs and lexpro for depression. i have a bad time going tosleep. but will mixing all thiskill me tonight? please help me. i never taken this much befor.

What's the most realistic way to overcome racism?

Educate people about other races, and give them a chance to mix with other races also. Whether it is in a community or at work, just get people to work together (perhaps to solve problems or volunteer etc) and have contact with each other informally. Telling people that racism is wrong is simply stating the obvious. Giving them a chance to know other races would be beneficial as racism usually arises from ignorance and bad experiences. People are not born racists, the environment and people around them influence them a lot, so changing this should help

I don't know what to do with myself?

insomnia, irritablity and rapid changes in mood are typical symptoms of bipolar disorder. Check out "bipolar disorder", "bipolar self help" and "bipolar blog" at to learn more about bipolar disorder and how to deal with it. You might want to see a psychiatrist and get evaluated. If you're bipolar then medicine can help you sleep at night and be less irritable.

Is it dangerous to take a Vicodin while on NyQuil?

Im really sick and in pain. I took the Nyquil three hours ago and cant take another does for another three hrs cuz the bottle says. So I took a Vicodin so I could sleep. Could I od?

Is this normal behavior? tried to poison someone? i have a 5 year old neice that is very spoiled?

Someone has to explain to your niece that that is dangerous and she can hurt someone. If no one tells her, she'll do it again thinking it ok and it can end should talk to her parents about this.

Period werid ? month of june?

ok june 11 my bf and I were messing around and we didnt even have sex but he waz on top of me and he had boxers and shorts on ! and i just had my undies on then two weeks ltr my period came and it waz heavy first day then med the nex two days can i be preg! or jus me and lack of exercise of myself and will my period be normal next month

Sudden Insomnia after illness?

About a month ago I was extremely sick with the flu and had to take NyQuil to be able to sleep. After I finished with my flu I stopped using the Nyquil and now I have lost the ability to go to bed early. I will lay down at about 1030 and be exhausted and then as soon as I lay down I feel this burst of energy. I wake up at 4 am and feel like I've gotten no sleep. Any advice?

Can you overdose on 3 Nyquil?

What will happen? I am so stopped up I cannot breathe or sleep, and I feel like I wont be able to sleep at all. I took 2 Nyquil an hour ago and it barely touched the cold. What will happen if I take one more?

Will Lionel Messi ever win a World Cup playing for Argentina?

It's not the lack of talent or coaching.. It's the lack of money, Messi plays well for Barcelona but not Argentina because in Barcelona he gets paid more, he has no pride for his own country.

I dont know what to do. i dont have any motivation to better myself and i cant get myself motivated. i lack fo?

i dont know what to do. i dont have any motivation to better myself and i cant get myself motivated. i lack focus so much that i had to drop my class. in the past i have tried to be better but i just dont have any mental strength. i am scared the fact that i am wasting my 20's away. what should i do?

What gives a person Life?

Okay, this question has been on my mind for quite some time now. I know that this is impossible to perform, but what if you took all the necessary parts for a human body to function and "built a person" You connected the veins, placed in all the organs, got the heart beating, and got blood moving through the body, and the lungs working, etc. Even if this were possible, would that person be alive and socially aware? By socially aware, I mean would they communicative and be able to interact as we do everyday. Would they have a personality? I am not a doctor, and have very little medical knowledge in these things, so this may be a simple answer. I think of it in terms of a computer, you can put the hardware together, and have the components functioning and running, but you will still need the software to make it functional. So what does happen, any thoughts?

Saturday, July 16, 2011

What will happen to my friend if he takes 8 NyQuil gel pills?

He is really dumb but I care a alot about him so thats why im asking. He was around 156 pounds and he's 19. Is the dosage he is taking a normal dosage of what people take when they want to trip? Im kind of scared that he's going to die or something. Is he going to be alright? Thanks

Are there any good websites where I can buy old/functional road bikes?

It would cost more to ship the bike then it's worth. Go to the local Goodwill and Salvation Army stores.

I have a 101.2 fever, so can I use NyQuil?

An antihistamine is what makes it nyquil instead of dayquil. It makes you drowsy. It is totally safe, unless you are gonna be driving or operating heavy machinery. It will help with your fever.

Is anyone open-minded enough to rent to a 16 year old?

I live in Melbourne Australia and I am turning 16 in a couple of months. My friend plans to move out in a few months and I plan to go with her. What frustrates me more than anything is that the people I talk to including my parents all agree 16 is far too young to move away from home. maybe they are right, but I know more than anyone what is right for me. and being someone who lacks motivation, this may be the best opportunity for me to find something to work for. I have a decent casual job, a sum of money that has been put away which we can use to pay the rent 12 months up front and with youth allowance and my pay, my friend and I should be earning enough to pay for bills and food whilst also making up some of the lost money used on rent. this is an important, life changing goal and we both fully understand that not a second of it will be easy. However this is something I feel we need to do. The only thing stopping us is the lack of faith and trust adults have in us. My dad thinks two more years will change me drastically in maturity but I know for a fact that my intelligence and maturity has not changed since I was twelve and two years will not be life changing at all. I have heard every lecture and every warning about how we will regret this and that it will not go well, but even still we will persist in achieving this goal and I ask all adults, either with children like us or with young people wishing to rent from them to have an open mind. See the other side of things and think about your decision before ignoring or distrusting them. I am aware of course that many young people are indeed immature and maybe you will be right about them, however it is my belief you should try to find out more about their personality and maturity before simply ending it with "They are too young." People mature at different ages and having your 18th, 21st or even 30th birthday does not suddenly make a person mature and it certainly does not make all their decisions correct.

Is taking 1800 mg of acetaminophen dangerous? ?

I took two 650 mg tylenols then accidentally took 500 mg more when I took nyquil about an hour or so afterwards.... And now I'm worried.

How could a clothespin work without a spring?

Is there any way a clothespin can be functional without a spring? an alternative method or object used?

Is it normal to still feel pregnant after you've had a baby?

It's not like I feel a baby in there because I am not pregnant.(Have checked with pregnancy tests) My daughter is coming up on being a year old and I still have swollen feet and ankles, you can see in my face that I still retain water, I still have heartburn and I still have not had a period. I can assume that the lack of menstrual cycle is due to birth control. It just bugs me that I can only wear sandals and I feel like I have high blood pressure. Yes I am overweight but I weigh as much as I did before I had my daughter and I never had swollen feet then. Has anyone else had these problems a year after giving birth and what can I do to fix it.

Is it okay to eat medicine after being vaccinated?

The TB shot isn't a vaccination, it's a skin test that should be "Read" three days ofter given. If the shot area turns red in that time, it could mean you were exposed to TB or have TB. A vaccination exposes your body to a dead form of the virus which triggers your body into developing immunity. Most likely he gave the test to see if you had TB. It would be okay to take the medicine, the TB shot doesn't affect the medicine.

What do you hate (post I hate lists)?

Wow. With all the hatred you have towards almost everyone, it's no wonder they thought you had a gun and a kill list. You sound like the type.

Will drinking alot of nyquil the first time really mess up your liver?

say if i jugged a good amount to get me kinda buzzed will it really cause liver problems from that first time is it really that bad

Can you create some color-combo names?

I find Crayola more imaginative than "John", "Susan", or "Rubybenubi". That's just me, though.

Why don't USA high schools teach history from other continents besides Europe?

Classes in high school are not meant to go into that much depth. If you want to learn about how much Ethiopia influences its surroundings, you will have to wait until college. And with all the budget cuts, don't expect any classes like this to pop up anytime soon. It makes me sad too. :(

Is this really stupid or will it work?

So i slept a total of 4 hours last night and i really want to go to sleep but i have insomnia so i cant. I was wondering if i could take something like nyquil that would make me sleep? The stuff i have is Flu Relief Therapy Daytime. Will it work the same as niquil?

Help plzzz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

my snes game mortal kombat 2 is acting like i dnt have my controler plugged in cuz it just keeps replaying the introover and over no matter what button i press. the controler is plugged into the 1 player space and the controler is functional cuz it plays mario kart and super mario world. ive tried everything i can think of but nothing works

Can I take tylenol 4 hours after taking Nyquil?

I took 2 regular strength tylenol 3 hours ago. I plan on taking Nyquil in an hour cause I've been sick all day and cannot fall asleep. Is that okay to do or not? Please answer.

Been sick since Friday morning help?

Ok, so two weeks ago I was sick. I had the cold and hot feeling, fever, headace, dizzy ness, a sore throat and not too hungry. I was better three days later. Then on Friday morning I woke up with my throat just hurting so bad, I had the cold & hot feeling, and I was dizzy. Saturday I felt even worse! I had a fever, headace, stomach ache. Then on Saturday nite and yesterday my ears started making this crackling sound, they started hurting and some stuff was coming out of it. I think its a fluid buildup. Then my nose has been all clogged up, and I can't breathe thru it or sniffle. I tried taking medicine but nothing helps. My mom called the doctor and they said theirs nothing they can do, & if I still feel the same on Thursday to call back. I can't keep dealing with this. Should I go to the ER tomorrow? I haven't been eating & drink a lot. I also get a puke feeling in my stomach, and I tried some nyquil, but couldn't keep it down.

When will preference programs be done away with?

It is reverse discrimination against White People by blacks and Latinos. B[b]lacks and Latinos must embrace Education instead of baseball, basketball, hip-hop, gangsta rap and embracing a "field slave, oh woe is me" mentality. Slavery ended in 1865, move on and do for self.

Need help with my power supply?

You're good to go. 450w on the 12v rail. More then enough power for that video card. Molex to 6 pin AWAY!

Did antibiotics or lack off food reduce my acid reflux symptoms?

ihave acid reflux or gerd whatever you want to call it and a week ago i went to the dentist to get my teeth removed so i had been put on penicillin and vicoden since i was on and went through my medication i i havent coughed i was assuming because i wasnt even able to eat or drink soft drinks i rarely spit since i used to spit when phlegm would build up and now im off the meds and when i eat or drink the coughs that would usually be caused by the acid have just vanished and ive been dealing with these coughts for years is it the antiobiotic that had an effect or is it the lack of food since i couldnt eat while my teeth were healing

Dell Inspiron 15R Laptop?

Currently, I'm looking at laptops for college(I'll be going on about a year.) I don't really care about core processors(whatever that is) or anything like that. :P I just want a decent, functional laptop that can do basic things. (Internet, email, maybe skype, msn ect ect) The laptop I'm looking at now would be like $450 from Dell's website, which I'm assuming is a good deal. (I really don't know what I'm doing.) Any opinions as you may have noticed, I'm clueless? =P

Will taking a normal dose of NyQuil get you high?

Nyquil contains an antihistimine like benedryl that can make you sleepy, which is why you take it at night. You really should not fool around with any drugs even if they are OTC.

Nyquil regular use? is it bad ?

I have a horrible sleeping pattern. I'm never sleepy. Once I went 2 days without sleep. My is procrastinating to take me to the doctor. So is it ok if I take PM's drugstore brands because it seems like that only way I could go to sleep.

Will apple swap my iphone 4?

the sleep button on my iphone is broken and is rapidly becoming less functional, the volume button on the side is also becoming out of use.I have dropped my iphone numerous times and there is one small crack (hardly noticeable) though it is not near any of the buttons. i know that apple exchange broken phones for free if the phone has a problem, though before i make the appointment i was wondering if apple will still exchange my phone, even with the cracks?

The human race is a waste... "a long question"?

No, you are not insane. It's your opinion and others in this world will agree. I for one agree with most of your speech. The human mind is the most advanced living thing in this world so far. In a few hundred or thousand years, a new, smarter species will arrive. They will either make better or worse decisions. They will either make the world fresher, cleaner, and have less sins, or the total opposite. We will not know until it happens. Hopefully, it'll be the cleansed world. Without our emotions and thoughts, we'd just be robots. We'd be nothing special. You are NOT insane. Lets just leave it at that for now...

What happens to a non functional laptop when recycled?

Well, I wouldn't say completely non functional, but its problems prohibit major use of it. You can sometimes get it to turn on and it'll take you to the desktop but from then on you can't really do much. The trackpad spasms and clicks on everything and you can't insert a mouse into the usb slot. It is really slow and everything eventually freezes. I worry about recycling it because there is still personal information and photos on there that I would not want someone finding. I don't know any way to get the computer working again and delete the files and it is just in the way. So, I would like to know what would happen to the laptop if I were to recycle it at a Best Buy so I can determine whether or not I should recycle it.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Was the Holocaust a myth?

No the genocide of millions of different people was not a myth-I've seen the skeletons, the tattoes, the starved human beings barely left alive that were found, the mounds of gold teeth, body parts, it's awful. I'm German-American, but it did happen.

Beriberi worksheet answer rephrasing help?

Normally I would recommend taking some time off from school, but you are soooo close! I know you can do 4 more weeks! Maybe for these last 4 weeks you and your husband could work out someway to take them to their daycare so you can have some much needed study time, minus the little interruptions. And when you finish school, you'll have a better chance of getting a good job with some decent pay (hopefully, but I'm not sure what you're studying). You are doing great, just keep up your wonderful work

Will Nyquil Liquicaps make me sleepy?

there really nothing. When i take them i pass out till the morning. you feel no different when you wake up. its just a good sleep. :D

Am I expecting too much?

I just had an argument with my fianc� cause he tells me I'm skinny and that makes me feel weird bout myself :S I know I'm a little skinny but not trying to brag at all..people tell me I have the best looks..I get lots of compliments makes me really good about myself but my fianc� hardly compliments about my looks..he tells me I need to gain a little weight..that really pisses me off. I only and only want him to make me feel beautiful..but I lack that in the relationship :S am I overreacting? :S Augh.

Can i demand that sprint store give me a new phone?

i went in last week to see if my phone that had some technical damage to be fixed. the phone was still functional, however it kept turning off every 15 minutes. i got my phone back from the technician and now my phone doesnt even turn on and all my contact and important data is still on it. this is ridiculous, i want to demand them return my phone to its previous state or give me a new one.

I just took motrin and nyquil together. is that really bad?

i took those together without thinking and i checked online after if it was ok and i heard horror stories. so whats the deal?

What do I do about my sister's unawareness? (Long, but important for my sister's health.)?

Sorry, are you actually saying you wash your hands 20 times a day on average? I wouldn't be worrying so much about your sister (she's only seven after all) and start worrying about yourself. You seem to have some form of cleanliness OCD.

Does the Leatherman Micra have a locking knife?

I'm shopping for a strictly UK legal pocket tool that is a bit more functional than a swiss army knife. Can someone tell me whether the knife on the Leatherman Micra has a locking blade?

As a parent how long would you support a child while they are chasing a dream? You've paid for college by?

taking out loans, which took them 6 years to complete because they got cut from one program due to lack of talent and had to transfer and they also failed some classes. If they picked a major they had some aptitude for they would have completed it in 4 years. You are paying off their student loans, they are still chasing their dream and living with you rent free. They do work, but their money seems to all go towards chasing their dream instead of bills. At what age would you say enough is enough?

Nyquil and pregnancy?

ok so im not sure if im pregnant yet but if i am i'd be about 5 weeks and i have recently got a really bad cold and cant sleep so i took some nyquil tonight. does anyone kno if it'll harm the baby this early?

Am I overweight and how can I lose weight?

Well, where are your problem areas? If it is your stomach, then do situps. You do not need to lose weight.

Ok last question...speed and bending a stiff horse?

horses use different muscles to walk, trot and canter so the horse probably has not build enough muscles to trot and canter smaller circles correctly. Start off by riding bigger circles and making them smaller and smaller after he builds a good outline. good luck :)

Is it a bad idea to get back together my ex?

I don't think you should get back together, but it is ultimately your feelings and your choice. I got back together with someone like 3 times in 2 years and it didn't even end up working. I wasted my time and my emotions and now I'm scared to trust or love anyone again. I don't want that to happen to you. But I do believe in second chances, so if you really want to give it another try then you should suggest that you and your ex go out for lunch or coffee one day and talk about all of your doubts and fears. See how he reacts to it. If he gets mad or super defensive, do not get back together! If he sympathizes and agrees that he should not have made you feel neglected and promises not to do that again, then maybe it could work.

When is the 5th generation ipod touch coming out?

I'd like to buy a 4th gen ipod touch (my 2nd gen is slow and lacking in features) but I don't wanna waste money and then see the 5th gen arrive a few months later. Even if there isnt an exact date an estimate would help. Also and features that it might have would be nice to know.

When I go to the doctor how can I convince him to prescribe antidepressant ?

I'm not a druggie, I've never even taken medication when sick except for nyquil and motrin but ever since I started college I've become extremely depressed, been having suicidal thoughts alot. I'm afraid doctors here this story from druggies alot and won't believe me. should i just be honest or what words can i use to convince them?

Will Lionel Messi ever win a World Cup playing for Argentina?

It's not the lack of talent or coaching.. It's the lack of money, Messi plays well for Barcelona but not Argentina because in Barcelona he gets paid more, he has no pride for his own country.

What is with those ugg boots?

dude, this sounds like a rant. I;m a teenage girl and honestly, i wear them cause their warm and comfy and i wear them with sweats. And if thats what ugg astralia says then i guess! I use them for comfyness. not fashion. duh.

Am I expecting too much?

I just had an argument with my fianc� cause he tells me I'm skinny and that makes me feel weird bout myself :S I know I'm a little skinny but not trying to brag at all..people tell me I have the best looks..I get lots of compliments makes me really good about myself but my fianc� hardly compliments about my looks..he tells me I need to gain a little weight..that really pisses me off. I only and only want him to make me feel beautiful..but I lack that in the relationship :S am I overreacting? :S Augh.

Who know screen recorder to easy use and free?

I heard dawnark There are several free software. . And more practical. . I use the free youtube download is where to download. . And no functional limitations. . No fee required. . I ask. . Free entrance to their screen, where? Specific. . We can go see

Is the Quil from NyQuil come from the word tranquil?

Companies use a random name generator on a computer to come up with these names and then pick the best ones. Most likely this is just a nonsense name that they liked.

All the symptoms of the Flu, but no temperature. Help!!?

I have no temperature, but I have symptoms of being sick; coughing, sneezing. mucus in throat and nose, headache, and it suddenly gets worse if I"m laying down then get up.Pounding around my forehead and the sides. My ears ache, throbbing down to my jaw, AND MY WHOLE BODY HURTS. My joints, and everything in between. You name it. Can't get to a doctor until two days from today, so I just want insight to maybe get something over the counter. I've finished a dual pack of Dayquil&Nyquil, but no hope..=( I wouldn't really mind if I didn't have a 5 month old. ='(

How long does it take to become a proficient Programmer?

yes it will. im proficient in html css javascript c++ and some other languages. its been about 4/5 years and im a super fast learner

Why are my piano keys sticking?

I live in new mexico, its been in the 90's lately, mid summer, and unseasonably windy and dry. weve been getting pretty much constant 30 to 50 mph wind lately, coupled with three wildfires burning near our location. The humidity reads as 7% today, its been down to 5%. In the past week, at least 6 keys on my yamaha studio piano have started to stick. we just had it tuned and it has been playing fine until all this started. Could low humidity be a cause of this? How can I fix it? Every site ive read said high humidity does this. Please help! Im a musician and i need this piano to be functional.

Who to see about learning to make hearing aids?

I currently am hard of hearing and just discovered hearing aids. But I am appalled at the cost and lack of info on them. I want to design and make hearing aids, but not getting anywhere. I would assume I need to be an engineer of some kind. Thoughts, suggestions?

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Making a vision board using MS Word super frustrating?

So I'm making a vision board and I won't get philosophical on whether they work or not, I just want to get this one done. I've got all the images I want saved on my PC and I've tried to get MS Word to make a collage of them without displacing all the images every time I move one around or re-size them, but it's not going well to, put it nicely. I'm not going the paper route where I print all the images off then physically cut and paste them, so my question is does anybody know what is the best program to use to simply and effectively create a "digital image collage" that is functional and professional? If you did use MS Word, what did you do to keep images in their place?

Going away but I don't want to gain weight?

So I'm going to Israel for 2 weeks and I won't have access to a gym (or the time). I'll be walking and hiking and kayaking and stuff, but my friend said she gaind 2 pounds (most likely from the lack of sleep..we only get between 4-6 hours, maybe 7 if we are lucky). I don't want to limit my food intake, since I want to try all the good food, and plus I need the food (and water) since it'll be like 90/100 degrees. What should I do so I don't gain too much weight, since I lost a few pounds (after a LOT of hard work). Thanks!

Most preferred SAP functional module?

I have been working on SAP BASIS since last 3 years. I want to move to SAP functional area now. Which module will be best to choose.... SD/MM/FI/PP etc...?

Career counseling help...?

o, I'm 23 yrs old and graduated with a bachelor degree of Hotel and Restaurant management of batch 2008 The problem is it has been 3 years since i was unemployed..within those years I never quit looking for a job, during those times I felt Lost, and I really dont know where do I fit in. I have failed many times before. Now its year 2011..I have stopped looking for a job this past few months because my mom needs my company and she had asked me to stay. She has a glaucoma, and she needed someone to put her eye medicine from time to time. She's 73 yrs old , she's my non-biological of my problem why I couldnt have a job is that I have a low self-esteem I got that behavior since childhood. I've made so many mistakes before, now I want to change to become a better me. I'm looking for many job opportunities again one of my job choices is, of course related to my course, and the other one is call center job. My problem is How can I answer the interviewer if i'm lacking of experience. Well I did have a job experience before but only as a reliever and it didnt last long, it took me only 2 months. other experiences was a failed OJT's. I want to help myself and build my confidence so I could have my own self Identity,I just don't want to lose hope. I've been looking for counseling online since I don't know where or whom to seek help..Pls reply to me soon..Thanks:)

I have the most disfunctional functional family. HELP.?

Alright I'm 18, I have a 21 year old brother and a mom and a dad. We are fine financially, we don't have a lot of family issues. But we are the most distant family I have ever seen. I see all my friends families and am so jealous. They have real conversations. My family consists of small talk. Like we dont talk about things beyond weather and news stories. And it pisses me off because I feel like I dont even know my own family. My parents are just exceptionally good roomates. They dont actually love each other. Like no PDA, no nothing. EVER. And my brother does not get along with me. He wont do me sibling favors (ie we didnt get each other birthday gifts and I suggested we just do them late and he thought it was the stupidest idea ever), he is only ever pissed off at me. I hate it so much. inpputs or whatever please.

Is it normal to sweat at night if you have a cold?

I started with a cold 4 days ago that hit me overnight and its been 5 days now and im feeling way better, still bit of a cough but nothing crazy like the first 2-3 days. My question is that is it normal to sweat at night even after this long...i am taking nyquil before i go to bed. I also am a heavy sweating person during the day. Is my body still fighting this cold off maybe that's why im sweating at night still? Even if i have a thin or thick blanket i still sweat...any ideas ?

I need to Select a functional activity and describe which muscles work in order to complete the activity.?

whats a good activity to use and what muscles are being used to make this activity possible? Thanks :)

180 ml of Nyquil? What will it do?

I thought since I was larger, so much wouldn't bother me. Now, maybe 10 mins after taking it, I feel nauseas, sweaty and shaky. Did I overdose? Should I call an ambulance or drive to the hospital?

How to get rid of my congestion?

I got sick while on a school trip and now I'm really can i get rid of it. Please no medicine-already taking nyquil-but home remedies.thank you!

Career counseling help...?

I'm 23 yrs old and graduated with a bachelor degree of Hotel and Restaurant management of batch 2008 The problem is it has been 3 years since i was unemployed..within those years I never quit looking for a job, during those times I felt Lost, and I really dont know where do I fit in. I have failed many times before. Now its year 2011..I have stopped looking for a job this past few months because my mom needs my company and she had asked me to stay. She has a glaucoma, and she needed someone to put her eye medicine from time to time. She's 73 yrs old , she's my non-biological of my problem why I couldnt have a job is that I have a low self-esteem I got that behavior since childhood. I've made so many mistakes before, now I want to change to become a better me. I'm looking for many job opportunities again one of my job choices is, of course related to my course, and the other one is call center job. My problem is How can I answer the interviewer if i'm lacking of experience. Well I did have a job experience before but only as a reliever and it didnt last long, it took me only 2 months. other experiences was a failed OJT's. I want to help myself and build my confidence so I could have my own self Identity,I just don't want to lose hope. I've been looking for counseling online since I don't know where or whom to seek help..Pls reply to me soon..Thanks:)

Addicted to Nyquil & withdrawal? help me ):?

You are both an alcoholic and drug addict. There's alcohol in the nyquil which is why you are having withdrawals. Also, i'm not sure what drug is in nyquil but it is EXTREMELY addicting if you abuse it. Your body is building up a tolerance. You also have PTSD which is post traumatic stress disorder which isn't good because you're covering it up in a VERY unhealthy way. You need to get help. Rehab and counseling. If your mom is going to be disrespectful about the fact that you need help then tell your dad. Or tell a family friend, close family member, ect. It WILL get worse if you don't get help now.

Do you think I'm Pregnant or is my body just going crazy?

I got off birth control about three weeks ago, and for the past weekish my nipples have been hard and sore, my breasts grew when they should have shank, the blue veins on my breasts started getting way darker and now I can see them on my chest too, and my stomach hasn't been feeling great. Ive been telling myself it is just my body getting use to being off nuva ring, and I'm coming down with something. but after taking a three hour nap and feeling exhausted all day, i need another opinion. I don't get\miss my period for another week, so it is still to early to take a test. My husband and I are not having unsafe sex, seeing that we are still in college we are not ready for children yet. What do you think? could this just be my lack of birth control causing my body to go into spasms? or am I pregnant? thank you for your time.

Dell laptop Wireless adapter and USB ports keep disabling upon restart or shutdown?

I have a Dell inspiron 1764 on Windows 7 and everytime the laptop shuts off or restarts, under the Device Manager tab, the "Dell Wireless 1397 Mini Card ", the "Realtek PCIe Family Controller" and the "Standard Enhanced PCI to USB host controlller" drivers, all have a yellow triangle next to them with an exclamation mark in the middle. When I turn the computer on, all USB ports don't work, neither does the wireless adapter. I simply go to Device Manager and disable these 3 drivers and then enable them again, and the wireless works fully again and so do the USB ports with no problems. I now have to do this everytime I shutdown or restart. This does not happen when the laptop is in sleep mode or hibernation. I changed the wireless network adapter but still the same 3 drivers have to be disabled then enabled to work again. I have been putting up with this for about a month now, and the laptop was fully functional before this. Anybody familiar with this or with a solution, it will be much appreciated.

My swamp cooler is shooting water out of the vent into the house. What would cause that?

It's a fixed cooler mounted in the wall with the functional parts outside the house. There's no extra water falling out the sides like there's too much water. Thanks for any suggestions to look for to fix it.

Installing new hard-drive/ OS with no disc drive?

You can with what is called a ~crossover~ cable. It has the input/outputs crossed from a regular ethernet cable. Cheap. Will be less than renting/buying an external drive if you can borrow or use another computer.

Pharmaceutical drugs?

I want to get high as hell on some drugs but I don't want organ damage. So what could I buy for that nyquil?

Opinions...Lamborghini or Mini minor?

i think it might just be a case of wrong horse wrong rider. i believe they should both be on the same level of what they want to do such as showing, jumping etc (you wouldn't use a grand prix horse as a happy hacker after all) some horses can be overly sensitive and know how much they can get away with with each individual. for example i have a 16.1hh chestnut TB dressage mare (shes a complete stereotype) she is so sweet with me and very well behaved. but when my 8 year old niece trys to groom her she completely changes she won't stand still she starts picking her back feet up at her (never kicked out) shakes her head and bares her teeth but the second i come back over shes back to normal. horses are a lot smarter than what many people think! but i believe especially with younger riders more time and consideration should be put into finding a 'perfect' first horse to match its new owner, which after all is essential for a successful partnership

I'm a B.E Mechanical Engineering Fresher and looking for a job. Can i study any functional module in SAP?

Im looking forward to take SAP... Is it good to do SAP without experience? If so which module is best for me? what is the chance of getting into a job after course completion?

USB flash drive is unrecognizable?

I have 2GB Imation flash drive that's been fully functional for several years now. Today, when I was in the middle of working on a Word document and went to save it, suddenly I get a message that says "USB Device Not Recognized". It is unrecognized in all three of the Windows XP computers in my house, so it must be the flash drive. Could it be that it needs to be cleaned out somehow? It doesn't appear damaged in any way. I've got some really valuable information on there, so I'd like as much help as possible.

Are these medications making me sick?

well I''ve had a fever for the past 3 days, and today its gone down a lot, but last night i took 2 nyquil liquid gels, and this morning i felt so horrible, i felt like i was going to pass out and i had really bad diarrhea for about half an hour then i was fine, and . i have a really sore throat, and today my doctor gave me apo-cefprozil, and i took one today and then a few hours later i had diarrhea again. is this from maybe taking two liquid gels? i've never taken them before so i though 2 would be good, but im not sure if i just made myself sicker.

Im writing a book, i need a good title.?

its about me, kind of. its based off of me, just a little bit different. its about a teen who has functional depression and is trying to live a normal life, yet finds herself loosing loved ones and best friends. there are many twists and turns of fate. on top of it all, she is struggling with a complicated love life. its pretty much Generic to you guys, but it really means a lot to me. its kind of like a journal by me.

Will i get high off of 4 nyquil tablets?

im planning on taking some of these tablets, im 16 and weigh about 130, will 4 of them give me even a buzz?

SIM card is "UNREGISTERED" when it shouldn't be! pls help!?

I just got this SIM card put in the phone not even 3 hours ago & it usually takes an hour for it to kick in (as in fully functional calls/texts etc.) but for some reason it just says that the SIM unregistered & wont allow me to call anyone except for emergency calls! this is veery important I'm the kind of person who just CANT live without my phone so the sooner someone replies the better! its a Samsung Galaxy S phone brand new, has never been dropped or anything for it to be doing this.. I paid $45 at a local phone genius lol who has set up this same exact phone for us before with absolutely no problems.. but if you know ANYTHING, anything at all that you think would help me with this dilemma I'm experiencing (a little dramatic! lol) I would appreciate it veery much and will give points to the person with the best answer!

Is Dexter's Use of M-99 (tranquilizer) Accurate?

When he uses the tranq, the victim is always immobile for 3-4 hours allowing Dexter enough time for set-up. Also does it work instantly, as in functional to unconcious in 2 seconds? 5 stars for best answer.

HELP!!! i just swallowed 15 nyquil....will i be ok?

i know it was a stupid move so save the lecturing. i dont ever plan on doing something dumb like this again....i dont even know why i did it. i dont feel bad or sick or anything but here's what i took: 325x15 mg of acetominophen (which is what worries me) and the other stuff should harm me (just dextromethorphan and doxylamine)

Ive had a cough and a stuffy nose for a good 3 weeks...?

I've tried everything it seems like. theraflu, nyquil, penicilin, sudefed, hot tea with honey, hot sauce...nothing is working. any suggestions would be very helpful. thank you

My wife wants me to sleep with HER mother (my mother in law)?

Well first I would never offer this to my own mother. I think your wife is just doing this because she cares about her mother but if I were you I wouldn't do it because it's kinda weird and even though her mum is busy she should sort out her own sex life.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

When is the 5th generation ipod touch coming out?

I'd like to buy a 4th gen ipod touch (my 2nd gen is slow and lacking in features) but I don't wanna waste money and then see the 5th gen arrive a few months later. Even if there isnt an exact date an estimate would help. Also and features that it might have would be nice to know.

I think I'm a transparant introvert borderline?

There is absolutely nobody on the internet who can or will diagnose you - if they do, they are certainly not to be trusted. Please see your doctor who can help you. Yahoo Answers is not the place to seek diagnosis and to do so is dangerous.

Why cant I just let him go?

I am in a relationship that I know doesnt work and isnt good for me. My "bf" for lack of a better term and I arent exclusive and I know he see's other people. He manipulates me and lies to me and I know it and yet I cant seem to get my heart around the fact that I need to just get out of this relationship. We have fun when we are together and I really like being with him. What the heck is wrong with me.

Is this a good love letter?

its very long, the soapiness is not the problem, its the complexity and literature used that doesn't help, you need to use less intricate words and complex grammar as this is more of a chore to read and translate, this needs to be to the point, poetic and soppy

I have visual hallucinations?

I'm 18, female, and I've been hallucinating pretty regularly for as long as I can remember (like... preschool). I've never been on any drugs. It's everything from insects to plants where plants obviously can't grow to people just standing there to ridiculous things like Easter Island heads speaking foreign languages. It's only rarely ever been "scary" or "malicious", and I can always tell that it's not reality and consciously ignore it. Schizophrenia does run in my family, but, as this has never ever caused any of the "social" symptoms of schizophrenia, could that still be it? Should I go to a psychiatrist even though this hasn't ever really caused me any real functional problems in life?

What to do in emergency alcohol\drug withdrawal situation? :\?

You just have to tough it out. Your body will stop this behavior after awhile and you will no longer have a physical dependency on it.

Am I slowly getting mono?

So about 6 days ago, I started feeling like I was getting sick. It started out like a typical cold- stuffy nose, cough, and a sore throat. It was like this for a few days. Then 2 days ago, I got a mild case of the chills, and I felt very tired. I could still eat and feel fine, my throat would just still hurt and I would still be congested. Then yesterday morning, i woke up after sleeping on floor at my friends house with a stiff neck. At first I thought I just slept wrong on the ground, but now after looking through multiple health websites, it sounds like I actually have swollen lymph nodes, another symptom of mono. My stomach is not abnormally large, and im pretty sure my spleen isnt swollen. Last night, i had enough energy to go to a concert that lasted from 8pm to 1am, so that surprised me, because im sure i wouldnt be able to have done that if I had mono, but I am not sure. So far i've been taking advil, motrin, and nyquil stuff to help with my symptoms, and i feel that its not doing much good. I'm going to ask my mom if she can get me tested if things progress for the worse, but I'd like a second opinion on Yahoo. I'm 15 years of age and male if that matters. Thanks in advance!

Is there any harm in taking molly while being on nyquil?

If I have a cold and have been taking nyquil , if I took some molly (mdma) would I be ok? Or would it make me more sick?... I've heard ecstasy takes your sickness away but idk if there is any truth in that!

Would you forgive a serial cheater who is also a swinger ( my husband) ?

My husband has been lying and cheating on me with multiple (15-20) women that he has finally confessed to for 4 years now. He fell into this swinger group and actually organized a gang bang group for women's pleasure and made money doing this! legal he says. He blames our lack of sex and my not putting him first in our marriage. He wants to reconcile and we have 2 daughters and I am extremely hurt and confused. He has cut ties with "his ladies" and does not run his sex group any longer. I only know all of this (initially) from a stranger who called me. They had oral sex once in a hotel at one of these parties. She felt sorry for me. He said he was never going to tell me because he did not want to hurt me. He was planning to leave me though. He says if i give him more sex and affection and act like a better wife than he could care less about this old life. I have cried and prayed to God for a month. Super sad days lately and i feel tons of rage! he is sick of all my questions because he says we need to move towards reconciliation. We are in christian counseling, but i am not doing well with this. his e-mail girlfriend knew all about our family (yes they have had sex too) and the betrayals are immense. i wish him to not get by with this, but it feels he has. he promises fidelity now. help!!

Organic chemistry-how to remember organic reactions of different functional groups?

I always prefer to understand the concepts behind the reactions, rather than some cutesy memory trick that will soon be forgotten. Understanding the basics will allow you to apply them in any situation rather than just for the algorithm that you may have memorized.

Am I expecting too much?

I just had an argument with my fianc� cause he tells me I'm skinny and that makes me feel weird bout myself :S I know I'm a little skinny but not trying to brag at all..people tell me I have the best looks..I get lots of compliments makes me really good about myself but my fianc� hardly compliments about my looks..he tells me I need to gain a little weight..that really pisses me off. I only and only want him to make me feel beautiful..but I lack that in the relationship :S am I overreacting? :S Augh.

I want to transfer my laptop hard drive information to my desktop computer what do i need to get this data?

i have a dell inspiron laptop. it is no longer functional and i want to get te data from the hard drive and transfer it to the desktop pc.. i have removed the laptops hard drive and just need to know how to get the data onto the desktop..

Is it a bad idea to get back together my ex?

Yes, it is a bad idea because he proves to be inattentive and will usually cause you to have heartache more often than not. He is also going to be cheating on you too. He only wants to use you and humiliate you, but he himself may not even realize it at all.

Describe the structural and functional aspects of cell?

Please help me in my bio assignment. Describe the structural and functional aspects of cell. THANKS!

I need some help making up an organism (animal) Either a cross between two existing creatures, or totally new?

Get some photos of various animal, put them on photo cd then pore beer on the cds, let them dry propally, then take a look at the pics. On the computer.... the beer rafracts the lazer in the drive so you get interesting mixing of images, animal combinations... Ive seen it done with fashion and design so why not try it with animals

I hate my life, feeling suicidal, what should I do with this life?

I've had adhd since I was born. I was bullied and picked on every year. I'm surprised how I've been able to get my diploma and now I'm working on getting a college degree. I feel like my life has no purpose. I used to be a faithful muslim but I became agnostic due to lack of evidence of life after death and God. I'm taking anti depressants but they don't seem to work. I meet up with a counsler every two weeks. I have no friends. I have nothing interesting to say when I'm with people. I always feel awkward. my family lives in another country. I'm about to turn 21 but I find life pointless and wasteful. I have no interest in activities. Even if I get hired by an employer, I won't be able to maintain the job because of my disabilities.I have speech disorders, I can't speak clearly and loud enough most of the time. there's a lot I wanna say here but people ain't gonna read it if I write too much. please tell me what to do. I've been praying to God every day of my boring life but I still haven't gotten an answer. I'm bordering suicide. my life stinks and it's getting worse. :(

Can you explain this religious claim?

creationism. it'd be more accurate to tell creationists that if they weren't here then their god wouldn't be alive

Can anyone help me out with this?

I'm a varsity softball catcher in high school, but I've got really skinny legs (not lack of muscle, my legs are just really thin) and I can't seem to find any catcher's gear that fits my legs properly. I've currently got Schutt Scorpion gear, but it's too big overall (even with the straps tightened as close to my legs as possible). Does anyone else have this problem? I know I can't be the only one with this issue. I've been looking at Nike gear... I've seen thinner catchers wearing it. Can anyone give me a recommendation?

Cliche but....I want to change the world. What should I major in? International Relations? HELP?

Engineering might be a good major. Then you can help third world countries build damns and irrigation. I was gonna suggest the Peace Corps, but I've heard some disturbing rape statistics recently about them. Perhaps something in horticulture/agriculture would be wise.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I took 2 aspirins and then NyQuil ....will i be ok?

I just took two aspirins and then some generic brand nyquill a few mins later.. i am 16.. i had a headache, plus i am sick.. will i be okay???

Employability with Computer sacience and little C++?

Computer science is in high demand so you will have great employment prospects, but you answered your own question, you need to learn C++ well if you want to work in a games studio.

Can taking Tylenol and a whole bottle of NyQuil together kill you?

Im just researching for a summer project i have to turn in about overdosing and different possible ways of how it can be done, so if you could answer my question as soon as possible that would be great!


It's effing 1 in the morning and I am PISSED because I can't effing sleep! Damn sounds that don't follow a rhythm make me insane. My box fan keeps clicking weird intervals and I have already spent 20 damn minutes trying to pick every effing piece of hair or crap out of it. IT STILL CLICKS and the dumb dog keeps randomly scratching itself. I am going mad. What should I do, down some NyQuil? Yes?

Liquid cooling vs. air cooling lifetime?

im getting a gaming computer and chances are it's going to be on for a VERY long time i want it cool but functional for many years so should i get a nice high end air cooler for my cpu which is an amd phenom II 955 BE it will be overclocked by 5-10% and a standard fan on the radeon 6950 or should i get both CPU and GPU liquid cooled with 2 120mm fans i dont care at all about noise i just want i cool system that looks nice

Just took Tylenol pm and nyquil what should I do?

I took 2 Tylenol pm and a normal dosage of nyquil I'm 510 160 lbs if that helps should I do anything??

Wanting to buy a home?

My husband and I are looking to buy a home in the near future. The problem is our credit is not the best, I don't have much of it and his is pretty much maxed out. We just got $2000 cash and I think it would be best to send it all to one of his credit cards to take it down about 70%, that would make a big dent in the biggest debt he has. He thinks we should send half as a payment and use the rest as a down payment to buy a car, a used car. I think that is foolishness because; 1. We should'nt get any more debt if we want to buy a house and 2. I have an old, ugly but functional car I can use for a few more months while we clean up our credit and save up to buy a home. He does not agree with me and gets really angry, i'm to the point where I'm just going to let him do what he wants because apparently I don't know what i'm talking about. I want to know what the best strategy is when one wants to buy a home, just for my own sake, my way makes way more sense to me.

What do I do about my sister's unawareness? (Long, but important for my sister's health.)?

Sorry, are you actually saying you wash your hands 20 times a day on average? I wouldn't be worrying so much about your sister (she's only seven after all) and start worrying about yourself. You seem to have some form of cleanliness OCD.

I am six months pregnant and i have a really bad cough and cold so i took some nyquil is it ok to take nyquil?

you should consult your doctor before taking anything you never know dxm might have a harmful defect on your child please be careful and responsible.

Water damage to iPod touch 2nd gen?

A few months ago, it slipped bottom edge first into the sink, which was not fillled with water, but there was a thin layer of water because the faucet was running. For awhile, I could see water splotches under the screen. Now, a few months later, I found it and tried to charge it with my wall charger. When I plugged it in, the startup screen was showing for a few hours, and in the morning, the only thing that didn't work was the touch screen and the on/off button. Is there anything I can do to make if functional again? Could Best Buy possibly fix it?

Red stool from nyquil or bleeding ulcer?

I have been sick with a severe head cold for the past three days and havent eaten much. but i have been taking nyquil, (in the recommended dosage of 30 ml every 6 hours), and my stool is runny, green with red tint. im hoping that the red is due to the nyquil color, but i am almost positive i have an ulcer and have had it for a few years. someone give me an opinion. im freaking out here,

How can I fix who I became; I dislike who I became.?

It seems like you don't have a strong conscious(i think that's how you spell it). I would say pray. The Lord seems like he can help you. Maybe try writing a book to avoid hurting people you seem like a good writer. Or when you hurt someone, say sorry. You may not care about what you did but say sorry, i didnt mean to do that. Uhm and I hope you get better? or feel better? (trying to not make it sound like your sick)

I cannot take this anymore, what should I do?

My mom has really been pissing me off lately. Earlier this morning I had a fever, even though it was a low fever (sore throat, headache, slight nausea), I still felt very sick. I asked my mom where the medicine was and she said right in the linen closet so I checked and found nyquil which would have made me wayyy too tired for right before school (i usually use Tylenol Sore Throat, does the trick). I said I could only find nyquil, and she said there has to be something in there. The only other thing in there was Zicam which never helps my throat at all, I have tried many times. I said I don't know if this will work, I feel really sick. I hadn't even said anything about missing school but my mom just starts going off, "YOU AREN'T MISSING SCHOOL, YOU CAN'T MISS ANYMORE!" So I said okay. She starts yelling at me about my attitude, which, I really don't think that I had, but it could be plausible since I was extremely tired and feeling quite ill. That did make me mad though so I did get a little bit of an attitude because of my headache (yelling+headache=not pleasant) and said can you please just shush. After that she says did you just say shush!?? and starts yelling at my stepdad about how he didn't do anything about it and he needs to make me give her more respect and the only reason I have attitude is because no action is ever taken (I get yelled at at least once everyday for attitude that most of the time I don't think I have and if I do I will admit it but wayy too much action is taken all the time. I took the zicam and went to school so i could just get away from her. When I got home she called and I immediately apologized for my attitude I had that morning (whether I had it or not). This was followed by a 15 minute lecture on how my apology is accepted but she is tired of it and it can never happen anymore and I need to learn that, which makes me mad because I apologized because I did learn that, humans get attitude when they are angry its nature, and I can't always not have one, believe me I do try, I even recorded myself talking all one day to her to see if I did "raise my voice" at her. She is too controlling as well. One day I was at my friends house she called me 4 times in 10 minutes ( no exaggeration) and I picked up each time. She apparently kept forgetting something new. She calls me at least once every hour when I'm out, and if I go somewhere (the gas station for food) and don't call her from that friends house before leaving (or even going somewhere else in there neighborhood) i get yelled at for like 10 minutes. I have to be home by 10 every friday for work at 6 in the morning with my stepdad (not my choice) and 10 on a friday is pretty tough for a close to 17 year old kid. The final part is there is a girl that I used to be good friends with that moved away that is visiting this weekend. My mom is going to maryland for Memorial Day weekend and I can't stay home by myself which is fine, but I told her she could talk to my friends mom about me staying there and she said probably not and if I did I wouldn't be allowed to go back to our house for anything (even though I am like 5 minutes from my friends house-walking). Don't get me wrong, I have made my fair share of mistakes and my mom used to be far more trustworthy and a lot of it is my fault, I admit it. A while ago I got caught smoking pot, and I understand why she can be so controlling. However, it was a while ago, and I don't think she should be AS controlling, and definitely not so mean a lot of the time. She obviously isn't perfect either (been divorced 4 times), so maybe she's the one with the attitude? I can be a very nice kid, and I'm sorry to complain. Please don't just answer with don't complain though, what can I possibly do?

Atheism, lack of belief in God or gods?

That specific term "lack of belief in God or gods" I see mentioned often on here when atheists are defining atheism. Although I've yet to see this exact term mentioned in any of the definitions I've looked at, at least not in the top 3 anyway. Is this a term that describes weak atheism? Could it not also be applied to agnostics? Is it a term for agnostic-atheism rather than atheism?

High Fever 103-101 with medicine only goes down to 99-100?

Keep taking the medication and drinking plenty or water etc and maybe consider giving this virus/flu another 24 hours to start getting better. If no improvement or if your temperature gets higher or you get any sort of rash then go back immediately.

Can't stretch knee beyond a certain point?

A week ago when I was walking up a hill I got to the top and I had a pain in my knee and I basically had to limp home, then it gradually got better. The same happened a few days latter and it happened yesterday. Yesterday being the worst. I was in bed when I moved my leg and I had a massive shooting pain come from my knee and I had a hot flush and felt that I was going to be sick. I was in enormous pain until it eventually got better throughout the day. So I went to the doctors this morning and they basically said nothing was wrong and that my knee is completely functional and completely fine and that I should take some aspirin next time. I don't know about anyone else but I think this is pretty shitty medical care, it happened 3 times so what if it happens again and 'nothing' is apparently wrong, I just take aspirin? The doctor said he has no idea what is wrong (and empied that I was having sex or something of the sort which I was not, I simply moved my leg). I could not stretch my knee beyond a certain point untill the next day and now the doctor says it is fine

How to overcome barriers with clients using older photo equiptment?

"I know my camera is older than some are using but I just don't make enough mistakes to justify the expense of a more forgiving model"

How to do restore old windows in a 100 year old home?

We are buying an old home from 1912 and it has original windows. So far they won't open and we are wondering how to restore them so they are functional again.

New Yahoo Mail Not Working?

After switching to New Yahoo Mail (version??), within 2 days I could not attach any files to new email and now cannot open the 'Inbox'. Login appears to function OK, but when I click on the Inbox, its completely blank (rest of page around the margins is unchanged). Most of the action buttons are non-functional, although 'Signout' still seems to work. I want to return to the previous version of email so that I have some vital functionality. Maybe this is my lesson for depending on a free email service (you get what you pay for?). Other, but seemingly unrelated info is that I upgraded Firefox (to ver 5) at about the same time, but this problem is the same if accessing from IE9. Any help appreciated.

Going away but I don't want to gain weight?

So I'm going to Israel for 2 weeks and I won't have access to a gym (or the time). I'll be walking and hiking and kayaking and stuff, but my friend said she gaind 2 pounds (most likely from the lack of sleep..we only get between 4-6 hours, maybe 7 if we are lucky). I don't want to limit my food intake, since I want to try all the good food, and plus I need the food (and water) since it'll be like 90/100 degrees. What should I do so I don't gain too much weight, since I lost a few pounds (after a LOT of hard work). Thanks!

Should I get a Blackberry instead?

If you're going to be getting a smartphone for social networking. I would recommend an Android based HTC. I use the Inspire and it has more features than I'll ever need and the user interface is beautiful. If you do switch to a smartphone, though, make sure that you are on a wifi network every time you get the chance so as to not exceed the data package limits. That would get REALLY expensive.

Over dose?????????///?

okay so i took probably around 4 table spoons of night time equate (Equate Nite Time Cherry Flavor) . Now that's about double the dosage that your suppose to take ( 2 table spoons every 6 hours) but it doesn't exceed the 4 doses per 24 hours......i too 2 doses in 24 hours just all at once now i know this was stupid i was at a party i had a drink or 2 (wine) and when i went home i didn't feel good and wanted to sleep so i figured itd knock me out (it did :p) now that was Saturday night its tuesday and Im sick [i just got sick it hasnt been since saterday or anything] ( diarrhea and vomiting) but i hope this has nothing to do with the equate and is just a stomach bug ( i throw up a lot and getdiarrhear a lot i have a weak stomach) Im a boy Im almost 5 foot 11 and im around 190 pounds so pretty much my question is should i be worried about dieing haha like is my liver going to shut down because i know equate is like nyquil and is antihistamine i dont want any answers saying u should go to the doctor or any of that i want a straight answer from some one who really knows i don't want opinions i want a nurse or doctor or some one who has knowledge of this to answer am i okay or should i be worried?

Why is it that Nyquil makes me sleep better than a shot of liquor when Nyquil has MUCH less alcohol?

Sometimes I have trouble sleeping. Why does Nyquil make me sleep better than a shot of liquor when Nyquil has MUCH less alcohol?

Resume help for stay-at-home mom returning to work?

I am a 36 y.o. and have been a SAHM of 2 boys for 4 years. I have been separated for 6 months (after being married 12 years) and am having difficulty finding a job. Before we made the decision for me to stay home, I worked for a big box home improvement store as head cashier for 4 years. Before that, I worked as an Admin. Asst. for a financial co. for 2 years. And prior to that, I was a Business Manager for an internationally known cosmetics line for 3 years. I was working before that but most places don't require more than 10 years of work experience. During my time as a SAHM, I volunteered some but due to financial difficulties we had only 1 car for a long time. I have been sending out my resume but I keep receiving "We're sorry..." letters even though I have the experience listed in the requirements. I have my time as a SAHM listed so employers don't wonder what I've been doing. Could that be affecting my chances at a job? I've done research recently and have seen that Functional Resume formats are the way to go when you have a gap in work history. Do hiring managers respond to this type of resume format? I am an intelligent person with some college under my belt. I'm mature, dependable and friendly. Why is it so hard for me to find a job? I'd like to hear from people that are in the position of hiring prospective employees or other moms that had to return to work. Thanks!

Do you think I'm Pregnant or is my body just going crazy?

I got off birth control about three weeks ago, and for the past weekish my nipples have been hard and sore, my breasts grew when they should have shank, the blue veins on my breasts started getting way darker and now I can see them on my chest too, and my stomach hasn't been feeling great. Ive been telling myself it is just my body getting use to being off nuva ring, and I'm coming down with something. but after taking a three hour nap and feeling exhausted all day, i need another opinion. I don't get\miss my period for another week, so it is still to early to take a test. My husband and I are not having unsafe sex, seeing that we are still in college we are not ready for children yet. What do you think? could this just be my lack of birth control causing my body to go into spasms? or am I pregnant? thank you for your time.

Need a quick, sporty and functional vehicle for under $35k.. where should I look?

How about a Chrysler 300C? It's big, good looking, comfortable and even Germans say it's fast and handles reasonably. I would recommend the 5.3 V8 over the smaller V6. The V6 in combination with the old 5-speed transmission is not ideal because it gets confused easily. Or you can wait for the new 8-speed which offers better fuel economy and handles the small engine better.


OMG. If you are serious you need some major help. Go to the doc and tell him exactly what you have just said here. He will give you something to make it all go away. Then get another job and a house and move on.

What should i do for my runny nose?

ok so i have a runny nose for over a week and its not the liquid that comes out is just thick mucus thats really nasty when i blow my nose. so i been taking nyquil and that didnt work and i tried 2 diffrent nose sprays and one kinda worked for like 2 days so i dont know what else to take and i work 10 hours night shift and i hate having breath up my nasty bugers so what can i do

Can a employer hold your final check because of lack of notice?

im pretty sure they can't. in some of my jobs when i quit i had to turn in all my uniforms or else they wouldnt give me my check

Blue screen of death unmountable_boot_volume?

i have an my inspiron 1501 XP Professional if u know about unmountable_boot_volume than you know that safe mode and restore to good condition doesn't work i need to boot it into the desktop so how do i do that i dnt have any cds that came with it so i need download sites then i need to know how to use the cd step by step directions would be best please... its been down for like 7 months ive always fooled with it and looked up how to fix it i but now i need it not the stuff on it but i need it to be functional---please help

Monday, July 11, 2011

How to get my mind to chill out?

I was going to suggest the reading drawing etc, but you've already tried it... maybe try meditating or exercising.

Is this just a bad cold? Please read, I feel terrible!?

On Wednesday I randomly got a really sore throat and when I woke up on Thursday I couldn't talk. As the day progressed on Thursday, my voice came back a little bit. When I woke up Friday, my nose was really stuffy. During the day on Friday my nose got really runny. As first my dad thought it was just my allergies, but then I got this achey pain in my neck that I get when I'm sick. Today, Saturday, I woke up with a stuffy nose & dry throat even though I took Nyquil around 10. My nose is currently running and one nostril is stuffy. The neck pain has gone away. My head also feels "stuffy" and hurts. Is that just congestion? Should I go to the doctor? I would only be able to get there on Monday after school and I have 2 trips at school this week. Please help me! I'm miserable. I feel really bad because when I'm sick I'm cranky and yell at everyone. I'm 14 if that makes a difference.

Nyquil and Alcohol! Help Please!?

Hey. So I had about 3 blue moons between around 7 and 10 tonight, and then forgot and had one pill of nyquil (a half a dose) to help me sleep around 11:30. What are the potential side affects? I'd really appreciate any help!! I'm kind of nervous I'm going to like die or something

My friend and I want to dissect a frog. Anesthesia?

What purpose is served in the frog being alive? Do you plan on stitching things up so the frog survives the surgery? Or are you just planning on killing the frog in the process? You DO realize that this is how serial killers get started, right? On small helpless animals first?

How can I get my parents to see that social interaction and fun are irrational ? I have other things to do?

well i will start off with, you are a very good writer. if it wasnt hypocritical to come on a social site to ask peer advice for your seemingly unsolvable quest to get your unreasonable parents to get off your back, although you are emotionaless and dont care how people view your might have been believable. but very well written story..keep it up

Problem with self medication ?

well, i'm sick. not sure if it's allergies or not, but it sucks. i had the chills. then took tylenol cold, that made me SWEAT. so, this morning i took a fever reducer. & just now i took nyquil cold & flu, nasonex, & rubbed up with vicks. too much ?

Detect browser, and display message, without PHP?

My website is only fully functional with Google chrome, a lot still works in Firefox, and almost nothing works with IE (for now), is there some sort of script/code I can use to detect if a browser is not Google chrome? And then if the browser is not Google chrome a pop-up message appears? I can't use anything PHP so Javascript or something else would be preferable.

What animals lack a functional Gall bladder?

Asides from horses, pigeons and ostriches, what other animal species lack a functional Gall bladder?

My laptop keyboard doesn't work?

Whenever I try to use it the laptop makes this weird clicky sound, and now i'm forced to use the on-screen keyboard which is extremely tedious. Is there any advice you could please give me? Also if it helps it's a Windows 7 Starter Compaq Mini. Also the mousepad is not functional as well, it hasn't been for a while, but I just connected a normal mouse to it. Please help?

Sore Throat, How to Help it?

Ok, try cough drops. They really do help. I'm pretty sure they have couch drops to help sore throats too. If not that, try some hard candy like jolly ranchers.

What can I use to help me sleep?

I usually use Nyquil, but I think my body got used to it and it doesnt help anymore. Is there a pill that will put me right out? I would really appreciate the help.

Value of these Bauer leg pads?

I used a pair of white/black/silver Bauer Supreme One60 28 in. leg pads for a season and now i want to sell them. The skate laces are missing their respective plastic tips, some of the leather is frayed, and the pads are almost a shade of black with puck marks, but they are fully functional and all of the straps are intact. I originally bought them for $329.99, and they are now listed new as $239.99 on How much are my pads worth?

Cough , Mucus and very bad breathing (suffocating) problems past (opiate drug) binge. Help?

I know you say you cannot go to a doctor, but there are ways to work around it if you do not have insurance! You should really go to the ER, if the symptoms are persistant and are getting worse they legally CANNOT refuse to treat you. You should really go so you can get better.

Is Dick Cheney ineligible to run for President?

He was actually vice president and it is laughable to see you accusing him of needing someone to speak for him!!! It is easy to quote the 57 state messiah,...."um uh er um uh um"!!!!

I told my dad that i want to be a sign language teacher and...?

You should be a teacher. But understand that you will have a side business. All teachers do. Two of my sisters are teachers. One is a Lawyer and one is a Realtor. They go hand in hand. Teaching for the love of it and the insurance and other benefits. The other for the money. So you can make both Mom and Dad happy. In the end it's up to you. But I'll tell you right now that you won't make anything off of being just a teacher.

Nyquil question below (:?

i stayed up all night the past couple of days and i want to get back to sleep on the right time does nyquil work if i just want to sleep and im not sick??? and what does it do to you?

CM Punk's Promo was definitely a shoot(Not scripted) but what are your thoughts on what happens next?

The term "worked-shoot" means it WAS scripted. When it's not scripted it's just referred to as a "shoot." A worked-shoot is when a wrestler creates a scripted moment that is designed to appear as though it was not scripted. Monday Night Raw has already been filmed(it's not live next week). And it became clear that it was all part of a storyline. I'm not going to spoil what happens, so if you want to know, look it up.

Have too much trouble falling asleep?

Or you can take the 30 minutes out of the day, go to the doctor and get an actual prescription and not kill yourself by overdosing on dumb sh*t

I need Nyquil to sleep is this normal ?

I cannot sleep without it it seems . If I don't I will b up all night and when I do go its only for like three hours . What can I do ? I don't want to keep building up a tolerance to this ..

How is it not blatantly obvious to liberals that Obama = Bush to the T?

I agree with you. Seriously. Obama has shifted so far to the right that he's just a George W. Bush clone. Obama is far too conservative for America.

Is my wife paranoid? Whats wrong with her?

She is 23 and we have been married for 2 years. Shes extremely paranoid about small things. For example.... she has been freaking out and crying recently becuase shes convinced she has fatal liver damage because she took nyquil with tylenol on top of beer all weekend. Once I was literally 10 minutes late from work and she called her mom frantic and crying and hysterical and called the police station because she was convinced I was dead in a car crash. She does stuff like this over the smallest little things. Is there a medical condition?

What are some ways to overcome social anxiety/social avoidance disorder?

My cousin seldom if ever goes out- he works, then goes home and stays in. he's only 27, and a great guy- fit, good looking, but utterly lacking in self confidence when it comes to meeting people. i really want to help him- what are some ways he can break out of his rut? is social anxiety and social avoidance conditions that need to me treated with medication, or can they be overcome by changing behavior?

Why dont i look british?

Hey Guys. Im British born and my ethnic is pakistani. When i come across new people, they always come out with a question like how long have you been in this country / you dont look British born? I have a British accent, and dont even look or act like a freshy... then why? I dont know what Im lacking?

Help!? WORST Case of strep throat! idk what to do!?

You need an antibiotic treatment, I used to have these kind of strep throats every month but then I got my tonsils removed..Strep throats usually take about a week or sometimes week and half to heal properly..I know how you feel..Go see a doc and take care! x

Why does my wireless alienware laptop computer...?

say no connections are available, and where the internet connection strength should be, there's a picture of a monitor and an internet cable. Wireless internet was working on it just yesterday, and I have checked the router only to find it is completely functional. Please help, I really want this problem fixed.

Could this kill my friend?

Kill him? most likely not, the adderall is going to make him extremely uncomfortable, and be awake for a long time! Whats the purpose of drinking nyquil? he retarted? If he wants to get ****** up tell him to smoke some weed, no its not smart to smoke weed but at least it wont hurt/kill him and he will get more ****** up. that nyquil wont make him feel high, tell him that please. Beer go ahead, not going to die. Your friend ant too brilliant.

IPod Headphone Issues.?

I've had my 2nd/3rd (I can't remember) generation iPod touch for about exactly two years, and just about two months ago I started having problems with headphones. Sometimes I could just plug them in and they would work fine, but other times if I didn't hold the connector in a certain position it would sound all echo-y and the vocals weren't in time with the music. It wasn't a big deal at that point because I could still hear the music as long as I was holding the chord in a certain position. But just recently, maybe 2 weeks ago, I couldn't get it to work at all. The iPod is fully functional otherwise, and I can play songs on the speakers on the iPod and in any iHomes I plug it into. I tried my brothers SkullCandy headphones and had no luck either, and tried my moms Apple headphones. I tried various other generic brands but none of them work. I've heard that you can get the headphone jack replaced but it's really expensive, so I was just wondering if it would be better to just get a new one all together. Thoughts?

How much will gamestop give for a 60 gig ps3?

I have a 60 gig ps3 and its fully functional. How much do you think gamestop will give because I want to buy a new slim model.

Getting sick after a tattoo?

So i got tattooed yesterday, not my first time, but now I keep sneezing and have a runny nose and think got a cough coming too. I was ok yesterday after getting it and even today i was ok up till right now its 10pm at night. Is this normal, is it ok to take some dayquil or nyquil?

Do you think I did the right thing here?

I wouldn't question it- you did something out of the kindness of your heart and that's all that matters- no worries

Total body strength without weights?

Ok, so i have never used weights in my life, except for the rare event i pick up a dumbbell, but still. i have never done weight training, and i had a bet with my friend that i could get more ripped than him without weights while he used them. he is a bit bigger now, but i have gotten bigger as well, and i look way more ripped than him. however, everyone tells me what im doing isnt normal or healthy. I have decent strength and muscular endurance, and i can run for miles, but i dont know if theyre right. Is it fine to go only bodyweight workouts? personally i dont like weights, because bodyweight gives me functional strength, but still. what do you all think?

Am I losing weight too fast?

I'm on the Special K diet right now, but I changed it a little. I'm eating a bowl of Special K cereal for breakfast, some random brand, 230 calorie protein shake for lunch (I couldn't find the Special K in the store), Special K bars for snack twice a day, and usually some sort of meat and vegetable for dinner, just normal dinner food. I'm also drinking green tea twice a day and I go from hour-long walks almost every day. I'm 5'8'' and I started at about 150 pounds and I want to reach 135. I'm a 15 year old girl. I used to be very skinny, but gained weight from eating when I wasn't hungry and lack of exercise I started this diet on Monday (6/27) and I am now 146. I'm glad that I seemed to have lost weight, but I'm a little concerned about the rate. 4 lbs seems too fast right? Does this seem bad or strange to anyone else? Is there a reason that I'm losing so fast?

Which works better? Theraflu or Nyquil?

I'm completely stuffed up. I don't know if it's allergies or a cold, but I want to sleep it off. It'd be nice to sleep the whole night too! so. which will get the job done better? Theraflu or Nyquil? thanks!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

New Video Editing Software Help? x?

Okay i am looking to buy a new video/movie maker... i have windows 7 and i hate the lack of effects and transitions available with windows movie maker. But a few years ago i got pinnacle studio 12 ultimate as a gift for Christmas... but it is very slow at processing my HD videos from my samsung camera. I am really sick of waiting for the program to buffer the videos and export or even add effects to them it takes ages... and i dont know how to speed it up and i have tried making the program priority high with no luck too... And when i edit my films i find the effects are a little insuficiant for what i want to do... I am 15 and i am a media student which is why i need this guidance... Okay now back to the original problem... i wondered if i should get a newer software... but it cant be expensive. i want to be able to add effects like gunshots, lasers, tracking and masking to my videos which pinnacle doesn't offer.... i was looking at Adobe Premiere elements 7 but i am not sure if it will be sufficient but if you know of any (cheap?) software that will do this or maybe how to make pinnacle faster pleaaaaaaaaaaaaase let me know xx :) thanks

What is more attractive?

as a man i can tell you that i get lots of attention because of confidence, mostly because no one is actually looking at me as i am fairly hideous, yet have little trouble getting a woman....

Can I take Nyquil and Ricola cough-drops together?

That's all my question is, I'm not sure... I'm being extra cautious because I've been having really bad coughs and lately I've been taking a few things. Mainly Nyquil though..

Natural remedies to help me fall asleep?

I don't know if this will help, but I'm 19, 5'3, and about 105 lbs. I don't drink anything with caffeine or high amounts of sugar at least 4 hours before I plan to go to bed. It takes me about an hour and a half every night to fall asleep, no matter what time I woke up, if I napped, or what time I went to bed the night before. And I ALWAYS wake up groggy. It's really starting to get on my nerves. These are all of the things I've tried, warm milk, melatonin tablets, valerian root, nyquil, counting sheep, benadryl,soothing sounds, tylenol pm, my own music, self hypnosis, and I've even tried this thing where I count how many breaths I take. But nothing seems to work. And I don't have insurance at th moment so I can't see a doctor just yet. But when I get my insurance I'm going to. I just need something to help me in the mean time.

Gender Studies: What do you think of this article...?

It's sad babe but patriarchal programing even gets into the heads of some women. It is cruel and sad but blame where blame is due I always say. It's male dominated society that created these practices.

Is it normal if ur body becomes numb?

last night i drank penicillin because im sick from a cold and my throat has infection( it hurts)... and after like half and hour i first felt like throwing up and after a few seconds my legs felt numb and i turned pale.... today i drank dayquil and the same thing happened, and this hasnt happened in my whole entire life, im 22, and it just started happening, last month i drank a slim fast and after a few minutes my heart started beating really fast my body felt numb and i felt like passing out soooo bad, so when i drank the penicilin last night i felt the same way, so right now i want to drink nyquil but im scared it might happen again should i drink it?? is it normal im feeling like that.......... ps the penicilin wasnt prescribed

How come my mind is 100% active but my body isn't?

My body feels incredibly tired but my mind feels fully functional. I can think clearly, too. What would you call this? My mind just refuses to shut down?

I'm looking for a travel buddy here in the Philippines is anybody interested?

I'm a Filipina and as much as i want to travel , i lack financial support so are my friends but from time to time i do manage to save up enough amount to travel but i end up spending it on something, since i don't have anybody to accompany me to travel. I want to travel Asia and travel here locally

How the hell do i leave him(PLEASE READ)(PLEASE ANSWER)?

Your being abused you need to tell the police and they will protect you he does not love you he Sounds like scum.

Where are my best chances of getting hired?

Well I just graduated High School. I realized that I need some money to get through and pay a cell phone bill, a car bill, school, and help my parents out a little bit. I am 17 years old. I want to work part time, and I don't mind getting paid minimum wage. Right now I am assisting a Dental Assisting School, and I have attended a community college where I am working for Dental Hygiene Associates Degree. while I was in high school. I did pretty well in school, I graduated a year early. I would be happy with any job that lets me win a little bit of money to at least get through life with the basic things for now. I have tried to apply at many retail stores, and restaurants, but no one will hire me (mainly because of my lack of experience, and age.) Is there any place out there that might hire me? I really don't ask for much, just a chance.

What will make my dog goto sleep? Nyquil pill? Hes a big dog and nvr sleeps?

What pill can i buy to put my dog asleep? Hes a big dog. Can i give him nyquil? I want a good med to make him sleep fast. Thanks

Are professional programmers really fast at programming?

I'm majoring in Computer Science at college and I really enjoy what I am doing and I definitely could see myself doing this for a really long time professionally. The problem though is that I always worry that I am not good enough or am not fast enough as other professional programmers out there. I don't have a problem understanding concepts, visualizing the bigger picture, writing code, nor do I go extremely slow. I just worry that I may not go fast enough because I like to take my time on it and make sure it is correct, functional, and most of all I want to make sure I understand what is going on in the code. Do I have to worry about programming speed when it comes to a career? Any programmers have any advice? How fast are you?

Atheists, did you find it hard to admit your lack of belief?

I am an atheist, and my whole family is catholic (we are Italian) and I know that ever since I've admitted to not believing, I always have people pressuring me and being disappointed in me. How was it for you?

Does tylenol and nyquil combination kill fast or slow?

I'm writing a short story for my english class, and I chose to write a fictional zombie apocalypse story since we chose our own subjects, and I wanted to kill one character off by having her commit suicide when her barricade fails and she's locked in a room with no escape, and all she has in the room with her are some household pills and such, and I heard that the combination of nyquil and tylenol pm can kill you, and I was wondering if that combination would make you pass out and then kill you or if it would take time, because I know it kills your liver, but how long would it take you to actually die from it? I just don't want to make it unrealistic and have her die right away if she does that combination

What do you think of this feeling?

Smoking is a relaxing feeling, it takes the edge off of everything we find stressful. If you could focus the desire to smoke into a positive habit, you'd get the same satisfaction but at a lesser cost. I use football for when I'm stressed or nervous. You just have to channel those feelings into something more positive

Fashion help in backpacks?

I'm going into high school this year and I want a new tote bag because all the ones I have are either to small or I'm afraid will rip.I want it to be cute and stylish but functional.also what do you keep in your bags/backpacks?thanks!

Do cats get hormonal during adolescence?

My cat is about one year three months old, and over the last couple of weeks he's gotten, for lack of a better word, bitchy. He used to enjoy cuddling with me and sleeping by me, but now if I pick him up he growls or even hisses. I haven't changed his diet or anything. Did I somehow accidentally traumatize him, or is it normal for cats to get hormonal during adolescents?

Please help!Boys/Girls Thank you!?

.Don't let this worry you and don't be persuaded to conform.Be who you are without any airs and graces.When you're'll happen.Good luck lass

Where is a great town to raise a family in the South?

My boyfriend and I are really looking to settle down in a quaint, southern community. We are both still in college, but we're both early, paranoid planners! lol.. We just recently visited Kentucky and Tennesse around the Kentucky Lake area, and really enjoyed the scenery and the proximity to the lake and other natural areas. However, I did not enjoy the lack of resources in the towns. We are now in a town of about 10,000 people (our town does not have a whole lot in it, so we are used to not living in a city), and we would like to live in a smaller or similarly sized town. We do not necessarily have to live in KY or TN, but we would like the small town charm. We are open to living anywhere from Missouri to North Carolina to Arkansas to Georgia. We would also like really good schools for our future family, good cost of living, as well as a close proximity to shops.