Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I hate my life, feeling suicidal, what should I do with this life?

I've had adhd since I was born. I was bullied and picked on every year. I'm surprised how I've been able to get my diploma and now I'm working on getting a college degree. I feel like my life has no purpose. I used to be a faithful muslim but I became agnostic due to lack of evidence of life after death and God. I'm taking anti depressants but they don't seem to work. I meet up with a counsler every two weeks. I have no friends. I have nothing interesting to say when I'm with people. I always feel awkward. my family lives in another country. I'm about to turn 21 but I find life pointless and wasteful. I have no interest in activities. Even if I get hired by an employer, I won't be able to maintain the job because of my disabilities.I have speech disorders, I can't speak clearly and loud enough most of the time. there's a lot I wanna say here but people ain't gonna read it if I write too much. please tell me what to do. I've been praying to God every day of my boring life but I still haven't gotten an answer. I'm bordering suicide. my life stinks and it's getting worse. :(

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