Monday, July 18, 2011

38 weeks and haven't slept in days?

I haven't slept for 8 days now, except for brief naps and it's really starting to get to me and make me really irritable and snappy. Everytime I try to lay down I get weird shivers and can't make my legs hold still so I can go to sleep. And I'm being kicked painfully hard by the baby around the clock and I just want to it to stop so I can sleep. I know it isn't safe to take most medications, but can I take a half dose of nyquil or something to help me sleep? I can't go to the doctor because my fiancee is in school studying for his bachelors every day during normal doctors office hours, and I can't drive myself because I'm on bedrest. Please help me, I feel like I'm going to lose it if I don't get any sleep soon.

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