Sunday, July 17, 2011

What gives a person Life?

Okay, this question has been on my mind for quite some time now. I know that this is impossible to perform, but what if you took all the necessary parts for a human body to function and "built a person" You connected the veins, placed in all the organs, got the heart beating, and got blood moving through the body, and the lungs working, etc. Even if this were possible, would that person be alive and socially aware? By socially aware, I mean would they communicative and be able to interact as we do everyday. Would they have a personality? I am not a doctor, and have very little medical knowledge in these things, so this may be a simple answer. I think of it in terms of a computer, you can put the hardware together, and have the components functioning and running, but you will still need the software to make it functional. So what does happen, any thoughts?

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