Sunday, July 10, 2011

Where are my best chances of getting hired?

Well I just graduated High School. I realized that I need some money to get through and pay a cell phone bill, a car bill, school, and help my parents out a little bit. I am 17 years old. I want to work part time, and I don't mind getting paid minimum wage. Right now I am assisting a Dental Assisting School, and I have attended a community college where I am working for Dental Hygiene Associates Degree. while I was in high school. I did pretty well in school, I graduated a year early. I would be happy with any job that lets me win a little bit of money to at least get through life with the basic things for now. I have tried to apply at many retail stores, and restaurants, but no one will hire me (mainly because of my lack of experience, and age.) Is there any place out there that might hire me? I really don't ask for much, just a chance.

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