Monday, July 11, 2011

Is this just a bad cold? Please read, I feel terrible!?

On Wednesday I randomly got a really sore throat and when I woke up on Thursday I couldn't talk. As the day progressed on Thursday, my voice came back a little bit. When I woke up Friday, my nose was really stuffy. During the day on Friday my nose got really runny. As first my dad thought it was just my allergies, but then I got this achey pain in my neck that I get when I'm sick. Today, Saturday, I woke up with a stuffy nose & dry throat even though I took Nyquil around 10. My nose is currently running and one nostril is stuffy. The neck pain has gone away. My head also feels "stuffy" and hurts. Is that just congestion? Should I go to the doctor? I would only be able to get there on Monday after school and I have 2 trips at school this week. Please help me! I'm miserable. I feel really bad because when I'm sick I'm cranky and yell at everyone. I'm 14 if that makes a difference.

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