Friday, July 8, 2011

I have a chronic death anxiety ?

I too have had that fear and I would have panic attacks at work, couldn't watch certain tv programs (only comedy, happy ones). My family worried about me. I found my lifestyle had a lot to do with it, I took a week off work and basically sat with a jigsaw puzzle and chilled. I think drinking, caffine, tiredness and all that a hectic social life creates doesn't help. I think if you are at a stage where it's is seriouy affecting your life then may be you should look to see someone or even call a helpline, one step at a time is all you need to do. You obviously want to overcome this fear and you made the first step by posting on here, now the second step is to try the advice you seek even if it's just one bit it will lead you to the next step and so forth. I still think about it a lot and now can be strong enough to push it aside instead of letting it take hold of me. This life is for living so get out there and overcome this, just remember one step at a time. Good luck.

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